Popular Chae son waterfall
Chae son waterfall Popular waterfall
Location : 1 km. away from the office of the park.
You can walk from the parking lot to the waterfall.
Chae son waterfall has the water running throughout the year. The stream flows fromMaeMornRiverand flows past6 tiers of the waterfall. Tourist can easily visit each tier as there is a walking path cut through.Besides,tourist can swim at the basin below but some areas are quite deep so they are kept separate by a rope.
Travel Chae Son National Park is located approximately 75 kilometers from the town of Lampang ลาดยาง all available in the two directions.
– From Sports province along the road Lampang – Hang Chat (line one), turn right at junction Ban Nam Thong to the streets in 1157 in Lampang – Huay Peng – City Pan to about 55 km turn right onto Road 1287 City Pan. – Chae Hom to approximatelyKm, turn left onto road 1252 Kuang Kom – Pang marrow is another 11 kilometers to the park office.
– Of Lampang along the highway. 1035 Lampang – Chae Hom. Distance of 58 kilometers and turn left along the highway. 1287, the entrance Muang Pan. Right turn at intersection. 1252 to the highway about 11 kilometers to the park office is located on the left.